Our team slots for the 18+ and 55+ teams for the upcoming season is now full. We still have openings for the 18+ daytime teams if you are interested in captaining. USTA registration is closing on 2/18.
Please click the email below if you would like to captain a USTA Team.
You must be an Active FCTC INC Club Member to Captain or Roster on a USTA Team.
Per FCTC INC Board Policy, players cannot be placed into any lineup until their membership process is completed
👈🏼 Go to the Dashboard on the left of this page and click on USTA League, next USTA Teams for information on Joining a USTA TEAM or to Email the Captain of the TEAM you like to join.
App for Members
With the WildApricot Members app, you can interact with your organization and fellow members from your mobile devices.
Click on the app that apply to your mobile device to Download.